jeudi 14 juin 2012

Hidden behind the desk

What would you expect to find behind the desk of caribbean business tycoon ?
Serge is the chairman of a major supply group in Guadeloupe. While talking formaly together he told me he spent his early years in Florida, and came back with ...

a nice Fibreflex kicktail with late Trackers and wide Yoyo's.

The conversation turned to a casual mode, 
discussing the pros and cons of Yoyo's compared to Kryptos.
We shall discuss this matter later ... 

He still uses his vintage board occasionnally to stroll down the alleys of his warehouses.

3 commentaires:

steph a dit…

1 de plus pour les sessions du dimanche?

steph a dit…

En fait, en y regardant de plus près, il faudra attendre un peu, pour les sessions du dimanche avec Serge....

Bevilacqua a dit…

qq ligaments à remettre en place et hop ! en route !

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