Mais également de contrer la concurrence en privilégiant des aspects plus ou moins scientifiques.
Début 1978, sous la marque Star-Trac, le bécher de laboratoire trône à côté de la belle "2nd gen" verte qui vient de prendre officiellement le nom de Kryptonics l'année précédente. Ce nouveau "jus" est une pique à peine déguisée contre le "Pure juice" de Sims, et d'autres roues parfumées.
Vintage Kryptonics ads were always top-of-the-line, and very reactive to competitors.
In march 1978, still under the brand Star-Trac, a very scientific ad shows the innovation of the new green "2nd gen", released the previous year. This new "juice" is a clear attack against the Sims' "Pure Juice" and other fruit-flavored wheels.
Plus tard en 1978, IDI, un fondeur d'uréthane offre ses services aux grandes marques américaines en vantant ses capacités d'innovation: bécher, blouse ... nous sommes en plein dans le message scientifique.
Later on in 1978, IDI offered the same sort of service to the industry, with a very "hard-science" communication: laboratory material, white blouse, ...

Kryptonics turned down this with its "we blue it" ad: blue urethane pouring out of an exploded glass, in celebration of the new shape, new size and new formula of these outstanding wheels.

Later on during the '80s some ads return to the scientist communication, but only ironically in response to the weird Jim Phillips ads of Santa Cruz... but this time there was no innovation to boast about.

2 commentaires:
Merci Jé for this refreshing cocktail,j'en ai bien besoin en ce moment.Salutations du Moule .Début décembre ,you will probably pass?i haven't forget guy!
pourquoi pas:)
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